Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The website I mentioned earlier is Seriously folks, this has to be one of the best out there for poker knowledge. I've been to several others (won't mention names) and they just don't compare.

They have several freerolls each week that have really nice payouts and good competition. The freerolls are on most of the sites, if not all of them, that I play.

Freeroll Note

If you want to play in freerolls that are sponsored by all you have to do is become a member and make 50 quality posts! Please don't go there and think you can spam the threads up and get away with it. They catch you! It doesn't work! They will delete your spam posts and more than likely your account. Remember... Quality, not Quantity!

I would definitely go check out the bank of knowledge there. If you don't believe me, you can keep up with this blog and watch as my bankroll grows. I will try to post most of my games on here weekly and also any threads on CC that have helped my game.

Good luck on the tables!

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