Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Took 1st place again in a $3.30 buy in Carbon tourney. This one paid $40.50 bringing my br there to over $61. Was in 4th place when I hit final table and stuck it out to put myself in 2nd by last three players. I knocked out 3rd with QQ and was a 2-1 underdog HU. My opponent basically went all in with 72 off suit or better, so I just folded till I had a good hand (AKs) and called. Took over the chip lead and then folded till I got AQo and called. Won that hand and put some more cash in the br!

Poker Forums

Sunday, September 28, 2008

CC Tourney Win/Carbon Tourney Win

Alright, I know I haven't posted in a while, but I was really starting to doubt if I could ever do this and get anywhere.

But the other day I was playing a CC freeroll on Carbon and took 1st place for $50!!! I had been consistently placing in the top 5 for the last couple of weeks, but my best had been 3rd for $12.50.

So, after a couple of celebratory donk moves, I was down to around $20 again. I was sure I was going to donk away my whole winnings and be back at the beginning. I was trying to play 10/25 PL Omaha 8/b, which I was having really good luck with on UB. But on Carbon, it was a different story. I won about 10 hands out of 100 and those were really small wins.

So I decided to take my money and go to some of the smaller tourneys that didn't have rebuys and play them. I lost a couple and then hit one in 3rd for about 8 bucks. Then, today, I caught a win in a $2.20 buy in for over $30, putting me back around $50. So this is where I'm gonna keep my money. I'm gonna keep playing these smaller tourneys that have around 30-50 players and therefore reducing the horrible variance I was catching at ring games.

I think that this will create a better environment for 1) Bankroll Management and 2) a bigger bankroll!

Poker Forums

Sunday, September 21, 2008

I didn't want to have to do this, but this template won't allow the link to CC anywhere else. So, from now on, the link you see below my post will be included in all the posts that I make. If anyone knows how to change this to where I can put it in my margins, that would be great. Just use the comments to tell me where and how I should place this. By the way, my html experience is pretty limited. So explain in some detail. Thanks, and see ya at the tables!

Poker Forums

Friday, September 19, 2008

3rd Place Finish

Took 3rd for $12.50 in the CC $100 F/R on Carbon today. Hopefully I can put this to good use. I lost a little on Casino.net, and have just been hovering at UB. I have one good day at UB and then one bad day. I'm really starting to despise that site!

Oh well, hopefully I can get ITM on tomorrows CC F/R on Full Tilt. I don't think I've ever had money on there. Would be nice to see what the SnG's are like.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Found a New Site

I found a new site today, and I think I'm gonna like it. It's called Casino.net. I played a freeroll there and it was like playing the first three rounds of an Ultimate Bet 5000 player Freeroll. But I played tight and took 4th place out of 99 players and made $9! Considering I only played about 10% of my hands, this was really good. The graphics are horrible (flash) and the game is really slow.

I will be putting my $9 into the ring games tomorrow to see how fishy they are and to see if I can actually turn this into something.

If you want to try it, they have several different size freerolls ranging from $20-$500 daily. I'm going to check some of them out too and I will report back. Cya!

All you have to do is go to Casino.net, then click on the poker tab and download the software.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Cashed in a CC Freeroll

It's not much, but I took 4th place in the $100 CC Freeroll on Carbon for $7.50. I'm putting it into the $2.20 Bounty SnGs to try to build it up a little. We'll see what happens. Carbon usually isn't very good to me! LOL See ya all at the tables.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Well, I think I might have found my sweet spot. I won my way back into another 6k Guaranteed Sniper Tourney on UB. It's a $10 + 1 buyin and this time I had to rebuy once and added on for double, making my buy in for the 6K $2.64. Not too bad, but I do hope I finish better than the last one. I was served pocket J's on the first hand and three bet them getting one caller. The flop came out all low cards so I fired a pot sized bet and ran into a set of 8's.

I don't know why I couldn't lay down the J's, but I couldn't. He pushed, I called, I went to the rail! Game over. I will be looking forward to making it all up tonight.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Almost forgot to mention

I can't go through another myriad of freerolls looking for another dollar or two. Tried it again for four days and my g/f is about to kill me! So I stuck the bare minimum onto UB ($25) to give myself a head start. I know, it's cheating! Just don't tell Chris Ferguson and everything will be alright.

In fact, if I don't start winning some quick, I'm gonna be bust again. I'm already down $5 from where I deposited.

Hoping to pull this one off!!!

Alright! I just won my way into a 6k Guaranteed Sniper Tourney on UB. I took first place shortly after the start of final table and held on to take one of five entries into the tourney. As it stands right now, there are 23 others in the tourney through these qualifier wins and still about 7 qualifiers to come; each entering about 4 more players. Then, it's a 10+1 dollar buy in so there will probably be a few of those entering. I'm hoping to have a field of around 100 at the biggest.

It's not a rebuy so I don't have to worry about that. I just have to play tight and smart and I think I might be able to make it into the money here. This would be a big boost to my bankroll.

I know I'm really only telling the good games right now, but there are plenty bad ones. I just don't want to talk about it! LOL Once I get a stable bankroll built I will start writing more about the variance issues I'm having at the time and showing some bad decisions that I'm sure I'll make.

So, if I do good, you will hear just how much money I made and what kind of a genius I am. If I lose, you will have to wait till I'm a genius again to hear anything! LOL Till later!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008

New Tools

I found a new tool that is really neat for replaying entire sessions of poker. It's called "Popopop's Universal Replayer". I've already uploaded some of my HH and it works great. You can check out the link below to download this free player. You'll have to copy and paste until I get the hang of this HTML thing again.


Also, if the replayer doesn't seem to work for you, try downloading the Divx Codec. I'm not sure what it is, but MrSticker on CC does and I trust him. LOL Here's the link...


The Money Has Left the Bankroll!!!

Well, in my last post I was doing pretty well. I was sticking to my range of hands and playing pretty tight. I kept doing that this last week and won a couple of tourneys, but lost a lot more. I don't know whether to mark it up as a variance my br couldn't handle or just plain bad luck. I'm guessing on the variance. But anyway, my UB bankroll is gone except for 3 cents that I can't even get on a micro with.

So it's strictly back to freerolls.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Note To Self- STOP BEING A DONK!!!

I have had to revise my ways of play a little. My swings were just a little too much with the way I was approaching .50 +.05 SnG's. I still play a lot of hands early, because you have to make a move quick in turbos. But I've had to tighten up my play around 30-60 blinds instead of 50-100. This has made a good change in the swings in my stack. Even with 2500 chips, at 100 blinds, you only have 25 BB's. Once I realized that was where my stack was going, I fixed it and it seems to be working. Already today I've won 3 out of 5 SnG's. I'll keep you updated regularly on how this is working or what I've had to change to make it work. Thanks for reading!

Oh, by the way, if you are reading, please just leave a comment real quick so I feel good about myself! LOL