Sunday, September 28, 2008

CC Tourney Win/Carbon Tourney Win

Alright, I know I haven't posted in a while, but I was really starting to doubt if I could ever do this and get anywhere.

But the other day I was playing a CC freeroll on Carbon and took 1st place for $50!!! I had been consistently placing in the top 5 for the last couple of weeks, but my best had been 3rd for $12.50.

So, after a couple of celebratory donk moves, I was down to around $20 again. I was sure I was going to donk away my whole winnings and be back at the beginning. I was trying to play 10/25 PL Omaha 8/b, which I was having really good luck with on UB. But on Carbon, it was a different story. I won about 10 hands out of 100 and those were really small wins.

So I decided to take my money and go to some of the smaller tourneys that didn't have rebuys and play them. I lost a couple and then hit one in 3rd for about 8 bucks. Then, today, I caught a win in a $2.20 buy in for over $30, putting me back around $50. So this is where I'm gonna keep my money. I'm gonna keep playing these smaller tourneys that have around 30-50 players and therefore reducing the horrible variance I was catching at ring games.

I think that this will create a better environment for 1) Bankroll Management and 2) a bigger bankroll!

Poker Forums

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good good good......