Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hoping to pull this one off!!!

Alright! I just won my way into a 6k Guaranteed Sniper Tourney on UB. I took first place shortly after the start of final table and held on to take one of five entries into the tourney. As it stands right now, there are 23 others in the tourney through these qualifier wins and still about 7 qualifiers to come; each entering about 4 more players. Then, it's a 10+1 dollar buy in so there will probably be a few of those entering. I'm hoping to have a field of around 100 at the biggest.

It's not a rebuy so I don't have to worry about that. I just have to play tight and smart and I think I might be able to make it into the money here. This would be a big boost to my bankroll.

I know I'm really only telling the good games right now, but there are plenty bad ones. I just don't want to talk about it! LOL Once I get a stable bankroll built I will start writing more about the variance issues I'm having at the time and showing some bad decisions that I'm sure I'll make.

So, if I do good, you will hear just how much money I made and what kind of a genius I am. If I lose, you will have to wait till I'm a genius again to hear anything! LOL Till later!

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