Saturday, August 30, 2008

Breaking the Bank

Well, I've trudged through quite a few SnG's over the past couple of days and haven't done too bad. I'm up around $10 right now. I'm playing the .50+5 turbo and ultra turbo games mainly. I seem to do better at them since within the first couple of blind escalations I've hit a good pot or two. My strategy has been to play just about anything that can make something to the flop until the blinds hit 50-100. Examples would be 56o, A5o, and suited cards and premium hands. Once the flop comes out I either bet or fold. No checking. This does lead to some wild swings in stack size, but it's working for me right now.

Also, I mark everyone! By the 30th hand played I like to be able to have some sort of read as to how the player plays. Are they a TAG or LAG, do they c-bet when they have low pockets, do they have a tendency to freak out with high pockets. Just something to let me know the next time I see them. This has done wonders in the last week.

I just caught a huge pot on a boat against a flush because the guy was a chaser and I knew it. The flop was 6hTcAh and I had Ad3s with him on the button. I threw out a min bet and he called. The turn came out 3c and I bet the pot, he called again. I pretty much had him figured for hearts when the flop came out Ah making my boat and his flush. I waited a minute and checked it to him and he went all in and I called. Sure enough he was holding a flush to my boat and I felted him. Damn, I love that feeling!

Anyway, just wanted to update a little since I don't have much time to get on here lately. See ya all at the tables!

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